他在『超越東西方』(Beyond East and West) 這本書中,如此見證道:
« I found the
living synthesis between all pairs of opposites, such as humility and audacity,
freedom and discipline, joys and sorrows, duty and love, strength and
tenderness, grace and nature, folly and wisdom, wealth and poverty,
corporateness and individuality. »
« 我觉得小德兰综合了佛祖的心,孔子的德及老子的空She (St
Therese) seemed to me to combine the heart of the Buddha, the virtues of
Confucius, and the philosophic detachement of Lao Tse.
“她不过是一位小修女,死于24岁,却达到了如此完美的高峰。她的秘密在哪?她怎么能如此美满地完成她的人生,除非她属于基督奥体的一份子?”(Here was a
young sister who died at twenty-four, and had attained such perfection. What
was the secret? How could she realize her individuality so fully if she were
not an integral member of the Mystical Body of Christ?)